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The Secret to Achieving Your Dreams: Identity Transformation

Learn How to Use the Dilts Pyramid to Become Your Best Self

Read Time: 5 minutes


Last week, we explored how the Life Balance Wheel can help you gain clarity on what you want in life and set you on the path to creating your dream life.

This week, we will delve into the next crucial step: transforming your identity to become the person who can achieve those dreams.

As the saying goes, "The reason people fall short of what they want is because they don't become who they need to be in order to achieve it."

This article will guide you through using the Dilts Pyramid to create an identity shift for yourself.

The Identity-Outcome Gap

Many people have a clear vision of what they want to achieve but struggle to reach their goals.

The root cause often lies in a gap between their current identity and the identity required to achieve their aspirations.

Simply put, if you want to create significant changes in your life, you must first transform who you are.

The Consequences of Not Shifting

Failing to shift your identity can result in:

  • Stagnation: Remaining stuck in old patterns and habits that no longer serve you.

  • Frustration: Continuously falling short of your goals despite putting in effort.

  • Missed Opportunities: Not being able to capitalize on opportunities because you haven’t developed the necessary mindset or skills.

Imagine continuing to experience these setbacks simply because you haven't become the person you need to be.

The frustration and disappointment can be overwhelming, but there's a way out.

The Dilts Pyramid

The Dilts Pyramid, also known as the Logical Levels of Change, is a powerful model that can help you understand and transform your identity. It consists of six levels:

  1. Environment: Where you are.

  2. Behavior: What you do.

  3. Capabilities: How you do it.

  4. Beliefs and Values: Why you do it.

  5. Identity: Who you are.

  6. Purpose: For whom or for what you do it.

By working through these levels, you can create a profound identity shift that aligns with your goals.

A Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps in your journal to use the Dilts Pyramid for your identity shift, starting from the top level (Purpose) and working your way down to the foundation (Environment):

  1. Purpose

    • Journal Prompt: What is your larger purpose? Who or what are you doing this for?

    • Action: Clarify your purpose and ensure it aligns with your new identity and goals.

  2. Identity

    • Journal Prompt: Who do you see yourself as? How do you identify yourself in relation to your goals?

    • Action: Craft a new identity statement that aligns with your desired future self. For example, "I am a successful entrepreneur who creates value and makes a positive impact."

  3. Beliefs and Values

    • Journal Prompt: What beliefs and values drive your actions? Are there any limiting beliefs holding you back?

    • Action: Write down new empowering beliefs that support your goals and devise strategies to reinforce them.

  4. Capabilities

    • Journal Prompt: What skills and abilities do you currently possess? What new skills do you need to develop to achieve your goals?

    • Action: Create a learning plan to acquire these new skills.

  5. Behavior

    • Journal Prompt: List the behaviors and habits that define your daily life. Which of these support your goals, and which do not?

    • Action: Plan to adopt new behaviors that align with your goals.

  6. Environment

    • Journal Prompt: Describe your current environment. Where are you spending most of your time? How does your environment support or hinder your goals?

    • Action: Identify changes you can make to create a supportive environment.

Putting It All Together

To fully integrate these changes, create a comprehensive action plan.

Write down specific steps you will take to implement each level of the Dilts Pyramid.

Revisit your journal regularly to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

This is not a one-time exercise but an ongoing journey of transformation.

Take Action Now

Don’t wait to start this transformative process.

Begin your journey of identity shift today by using the Dilts Pyramid in your journal.

Remember, the key to achieving your dreams lies in becoming the person who can realize them.

Start now and watch as your life begins to align with your deepest aspirations.

By using the Dilts Pyramid to transform your identity, you can align your inner self with your goals and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Embrace this journey, and take the first step today.

PS: I’m seeing that a good number of you are reading these - I would love feedback on how this content is landing with you. Should I continue weekly? What do you like? Anything that you would like more of? Just reply to this email and let me know!

Be Blessed,

Widmarc 🌞

PSS:  Whenever you're ready, I can help you in 2 ways:

1.  Book a Discovery Call. If you want personalized advice, I open my calendar to 5 people per month. Check my calendar to see if I still have availability.

2. Check out my new free guide: 5 Actionable Steps to Transform Your Passion into a Career or Side Hustle (With ChatGPT prompts). Get it here.

Tuesday’s Transformative Thoughts

"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become"

- Jim Rohn