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Breaking Free from Society's Programming (A Psychedelic Awakening)

How One Night's Experience Transformed My Outlook on Success and Fulfillment

Read Time: 4 minutes

The summer after my Junior year of college, I was still directionless, still unsure of what to do with this business degree I was working so hard to get.

Despite attempts to fill the void with nights out, a deep sense of misalignment lingered.

It was amidst this confusion that an encounter with psychedelics, courtesy of a friend of my roommate, led me to a profound realization.

One casual evening, a simple decision to take shrooms in a McDouble turned into a pivotal moment in my life.

That psychedelic experience had me questioning the trajectory of my life deeply.

Society, my upbringing, and even my education had all subtly nudged me towards a conventional path of success — one that valued financial achievement over personal fulfillment.

This experience, however, peeled back layers of conditioning and opened my eyes to what I genuinely wanted from life: to help others, not to chase after money.


The Awakening

This epiphany was nothing short of liberating.

Although uncertain about how to help others, I recognized two areas crucial for making a difference: understanding the human mind (Psychology) and the human body (Exercise Science).

Despite my preference for Psychology, the pragmatic appeal of Exercise Science, with its clearer career prospects, swayed me towards selecting that as my major and pursuing a career in Physical Therapy. (This was another layer of programming that I had to later address)


Embracing New Experiences

And just when I thought I had it all figured out, in Fall 2013 my boys convinced me to co-found a new fraternity on campus.

I embraced the new experience fully. Through these experiences, I made invaluable connections.

Through the fraternity, I made one friend in particular who greatly expanded my worldview.

His name was Franck, and at the time he worked remotely building apps and traveled all over the world.

He lived a life unbound by conventional expectations.

This friendship, coupled with further psychedelic experiences, continued to expand my worldview and challenge my preconceptions.

These encounters taught me to question and ultimately discard the preconceived notions of success I had grown up with.


Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs, as I learned, stem from various life sources and societal conditioning.

They encapsulate the expectations set by our families, teachers, and the media.

Psychedelics played a crucial role in dismantling these beliefs, enabling me to reframe and release them.

I eventually realized that my decision to choose Exercise Science over Psychology was because it felt “safer”.

And that wanting to become a Physical Therapist was in large part because my parents would’ve loved for me to become a “Doctor”.

I realized that there are “outside of the box” ways to have a successful career and life.

And that I did not want to pursue a career that required me to physically be tied to a location.

Ultimately, I decided during my Senior year to switch my Exercise Science major with my Psychology minor.

My parents were not very happy with this.

Because what this meant was I would have a bunch of extra credits that I would need to make up.

So I had two options: I would either need to cram 18+ credits and my last college semester, or just split the load by taking an extra fall semester at college.

My parents wanted me to go with the former. Primarily due to the expenses an additional semester of school entailed.

But in my mind, what was the point of cramming my final semester of college and not having a life, just to have it finish faster?

College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I wanted to experience it fully.


Choosing My Own Path

Now don’t get me wrong, my parents are incredible, and due to their love, planning, and sacrifice, most of my undergraduate expenses were accounted for.

But, I went against their wishes and decided to spend an extra semester in college.

They refused to support this decision so when it came to all my bills and expenses, I was on my own.

It wasn’t that bad - I worked as a Personal Trainer and also at a local Soccer store, and I was able to make my cost of living pretty low.

This "Victory Lap" not only enriched my college experience but also cemented my belief in valuing the journey over the destination.

Fall 2014 Graduation


Reflection and Transformation

Looking back, I'm grateful for the decisions I made.

Life is indeed about the journey, and this mindset has been my guiding principle ever since.

By sharing this chapter of my life, I hope to inspire others to question their paths, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace the journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment.

Have you ever paused to question the path you're on?

Are there beliefs or societal norms holding you back from pursuing your true passion?

I invite you to consider the possibilities that lie beyond the programmed paths.

Let's explore together how we can break free from these confines and embark on a journey of genuine self-discovery and fulfillment.

Be Blessed,

Widmarc 🌞

PS:  Whenever you're ready, I can help you in 2 ways:

1.  Book a Discovery Call. If you want personalized advice, I open my calendar to 5 people per month. Check my calendar to see if I still have availability.

2. Check out my new free guide: 5 Actionable Steps to Transform Your Passion into a Career or Side Hustle (With ChatGPT prompts). Get it here.

Tuesday’s Transformative Thoughts

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

- T.S. Eliot