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  • These Are The Skills You Need To Build Your Dream Life ⭐️

These Are The Skills You Need To Build Your Dream Life ⭐️

Harnessing Purpose, Influence, and Passion for Success

If you’ve been following along, the past 7 editions of this newsletter have been sharing strategies to find fulfillment and freedom.

One of the best ways to do this is to find purpose through your passions and turn that into your livelihood.

  • First, you identify “Your Thing”

  • Then you align your identity, beliefs, habits, and environment with that thing, optimizing for energy, productivity, and necessity.

  • Once you’ve created this clarity around your plan of action, the next step is to dive into targeted skill development.

I’ve learned from 5 years of working online, that the key is to combine “Your thing” with sales and marketing skills.

Marketing is how you attract people, sales is how you turn those people into clients/customers.

That could be a service you want to provide, a product, or a position that you want.

This applies to both entrepreneurship and growing or transitioning your career.

At the end of the day, the level of success you can achieve is directly correlated to your ability to INFLUENCE others.

And to clarify - Influence is not inherently deception.

Positive influence (influence for someone’s best interest) is motivation.

Negative influence (not in someone’s best interest) is manipulation

Influence is communication, it’s connection. And when done properly, helps people understand and connect better with themselves.

Here Are The 3 Pillars of Influence:

1️⃣ Walk The Talk

“People don’t buy your product or service, they buy you”

Unless you’re selling something that allows you to be faceless (typically e-commerce), you are a walking advertising for yourself.

Whether you’re offering a service, or seeking a new career, personal branding is key.

And at the heart of an effective brand are Authenticity and Authority.

Whatever your offer or goal is, you need to authentically align yourself with this and become a leader in your niche.

To be authentic, you need to walk the talk. If you’re promoting a health offer, take care of your health. If you’re looking to transition careers, educate yourself and “be” in the field, even before you have the job.

This comes down to inputs and outputs.

Inputs = Read books and consume content on topics you want to get deeper into

Outputs = Write or share what you’re learning with others

Even if you don’t have much experience in a certain area, living and breathing it in this way builds confidence, connection, and thus authority.

People who have challenges WANT to find someone that they can view as a leader who can help them.

By increasing your ability to display courage (a topic for next week) and ability to connect and motivate (influence), you become that leader.

2️⃣ Teach People How To Think

The next pillar of developing influence builds off the first, and that is teaching people how to think.

There are three things you want people to think about:

  • themselves,

  • other people,

  • and the greater world. (Meaning how the world works what it needs where it’s headed and how certain actions might affect it)

On top of this, you want to make others feel valued and needed. Ask “how” and “why” questions to make them dig deeper.

3️⃣ Inspire People To Be Their Best Self

At the core of influence is first relating with them, and then helping them raise their ambition to think better do better, or give more.

Help people see their greatness, and inspire them to pursue goals they may have not realized they had.

I believe this is a gift we have as humans.

The ability to SPEAK LIFE into others.

We can transmute our energy into a message that inspires others to take action.

How cool is that?

If you can help inspire someone to be a better version of themselves, they will value you as a leader.

“When you show a man what he wants he will move heaven and earth to get it.”

In Conclusion…

To achieve freedom and build the life of your dreams, will require developing marketing and sales skills, specifically the skill to influence.

Influencing people comes down to connecting with where they are at, and raising their ambitions in a way that they already had in mind.

It’s really about helping people see their highest timeline and motivating them to move toward it.

This is a cool resource I put together breaking down how to use Chat GPT to outline your vision for creating or scaling a passion business or side hustle.

Also, feel free to share this with someone you think could benefit from this information. 

Be blessed,

Be Blessed,

Widmarc 🌞

PS - If you have any suggestions for future topics to dive into, or any questions, just reply to this email. I’ll be reading each one.

Tuesday’s Transformative Thoughts

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

- Howard Thurman