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How to Overcome Stress and Overwhelm to Gain Clarity and Peace

I'm back from Costa Rica with a deeper realization

After a wild summer in Costa Rica, I came back and hit the ground running.

Outside of family and soccer, the past weeks have been full of coaching sessions with previous and new clients, meetings, building training presentations, and working on my side hustle.

Maybe it’s because of my perspective shift after spending so much time in another country, but one thing that’s been more obvious to me since I’ve been back is that everyone is stressed and overwhelmed.


Defining the Problem of Stress and Overwhelm

Stress and overwhelm are all around us, and it’s something I see more and more—both in my own life and with my clients.

When I first started my business during the height of COVID, I felt the weight of that stress. It was a time filled with fear, self-doubt, and the feeling that I was constantly scrambling to keep up.

Many of my clients come to me with similar stories—struggling with stress that’s clouding their ability to focus, feeling stuck and uninspired, and losing clarity on what they truly want out of life.

It’s not just a matter of being busy; it’s about feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel with no clear way off. But here’s the truth: much of that stress is rooted in our own ambition and the stories we tell ourselves about who we need to be.


The Search for Solutions

So, how do we find relief from stress and overwhelm? For me, it started with core habits and practices like writing and journaling, which became a way to unload my mind—putting all those swirling thoughts on paper to make everything feel more manageable.

Planning my days with intention was another turning point; by setting goals and organizing my schedule, I could track my progress instead of just feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list.

Meditation and exercise became anchors for mental clarity and physical release.

For my clients, a great starting point is what I call the “brain dump.” Take a piece of paper and jot down everything on your mind—all the projects, worries, and deadlines.

Then, plan out the next few months, using a planner to make daily and weekly check-ins a regular practice. This not only provides structure but also allows for moments of reflection and reassessment—crucial for managing overwhelm.

In Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits, the “4 S’s” of clarity provide a framework to help navigate this stress and bring clarity:

1. Self: Define who you want to be and how you want to grow. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to become?” and begin to act like that person today.

2. Social: Clarify how you wish to connect and build meaningful relationships. Think about the type of person you want to be in social situations and how you want to be remembered.

3. Skills: Identify the key skills you need to develop for future success. Rather than spreading yourself thin, home in on your primary field of interest and get specific about your growth.

4. Service: Understand how you want to contribute and serve others. Your work, your passion, and your goals should ultimately be aligned with how you wish to make an impact.

By consistently reflecting on these areas, you bring more intention to your life. A powerful way to start your day is by checking in with these “4 S’s”.


Transformation and Revelation

The biggest breakthrough for me, and one I share with my clients, is this: the shift from “I have to do this” to “I get to do this.”

Realizing that much of my stress was born out of ambition helped me to see that stress is actually a sign of how much I care about my growth and my goals.

When I reframed stress as an opportunity and a privilege to build my dream, everything changed.

By focusing on the journey, I learned to take life one day at a time.

I found clarity in my purpose, and each day became more about working toward my goals with satisfaction and pride rather than anxiety and fear.

This change in perspective brought a deeper sense of peace and a feeling of control over my own path.


Action & Reflection

If there’s one thing to remember, it’s that stress and overwhelm are signals to realign with clarity and purpose.

By journaling, planning, and focusing on Brendon Burchard’s “4 S’s”—Self, Social, Skills, and Service—you can regain control and reduce stress.

Life is about the journey; take it one day at a time, and know that each step is building your dream.

I’d love to hear from you—what’s currently overwhelming you, and what steps are you planning to gain clarity? I read all replies.

Wishing you peace and success,

Coach Widmarc ☀️

P.S. - If you want to chat about your situation and gain more clarity on a path forward, click here to coordinate a free Strategy Session with me.