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  • How To Make A Living Through Your Passions And Live With More Purpose

How To Make A Living Through Your Passions And Live With More Purpose

In the digital age, anyone can make a living doing what they love

You will spend about 90,000 hours of your life to working.

"Finding your purpose" is not just some “woo woo” or gimmicky thing. But is essential to our own development.

When you’re disconnected from passion and purpose, you feel “stuck” - directionless.

Many believe that finding one's purpose involves a sudden epiphany or is reserved for the lucky few.

But finding your purpose is an active process. It happens….. on purpose.

One thing that trips people up is not fully realizing that passion and purpose are not the same thing.

Passion is something you FEEL, another word for ENERGY.

(You generate this simply be being more intentional about what brings energy into your life.)

Purpose is something you DO.

What you do for other people, how you show up for the world, and WHY you’re doing it.

Passion is the first step to aligning with your purpose.

So start by contemplating what truly excites you.

The word 'enthusiasm' derives from the Greek 'entheos', meaning 'the divine within'.

We're inherently attracted to pursuits that align with our deepest self.

How I Retuned To My Passions

I can remember back in 2019 I was working for a Fintech start up, and I felt that I was not living with passion or pursuing a purpose that really fired me up.

This lead to me filling this void with cheap pleasures such as alcohol, weed, sex, etc.

I eventually got to a point where I was desperate for something more.

I knew I had a passion for wellness. I’ve always been into sports, nutrition, fitness, etc.

I actually was originally studying Exercise Science in college while working as a personal trainer.

Right before graduation I decided to switch my major to my minor (Psychology) because I had a realization that I did not want a job that required me to physically be there all the time. (I was already interested in the remote lifestyle)

So I knew I wanted to return to my passion.

What I did not know, was how I could do this for a living online.

So what I did, was I invest $6000 I didn’t have into a coaching program to help me do this.

This program was actually designed to help the doctors with brick and mortar businesses move online - In retrospect, I was not at all qualified for this program at all, but they took my money anyways.

In the end, this was the best decision I ever made because it did help me create an online business and make connections that would transform my life forever.

How I Turned That Passion To A Living

Since 2019 I’ve spent over $26,000 on programs, course, mentorship, etc.

I’ve leveraged that information and those connections to help me completely change my lifestyle and life trajectory.

Reflecting on my training and subsequent experiences working with dozens of individuals over the past couple of years, I have identified a universal model that effectively uncovers, aligns with, and monetizes passions, enabling a life of greater purpose.

There’s no gatekeeping here - Over these next weeks/months, I’ll be breaking down this model in detail. So if YOU want to live a lifestyle fueled by passion and purpose, you’ll know exactly how.

Today, we’re discussing passion, which will lead into the first Pillar: “Pick Your Thing”.

In other words, choosing your purpose or “life’s task”.

Next week, we’ll dive into this.

But first, you’ll need clarity on your passions.

Identifying Your Passions

In the journey to turn passion into a sustainable livelihood, the key lies in intentional reflection and strategic action.

It's a process that unfolds over time, offering a path to not only discover but also monetize your true calling.

Here are 5 steps to get started:

  1. Deep Dive into Your Passions: Start by pinpointing what genuinely excites you. Reflect on your childhood interests or the topics you're naturally drawn to. These early inclinations often hint at your underlying passions. For example, if you spent countless hours immersed in drawing, painting, or creating stories, this may reveal an inherent passion for art and storytelling.

  2. Recognize Your Unique Strengths: Evaluate yourself across the core 6 intelligence domains—linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal—to identify your core strengths. If as a kid you were really into spatial tasks, such as building with LEGOs, you may have a natural aptitude that can be leveraged in creative or entrepreneurial endeavors.

  3. Analyze Your Spending and Time Investment Patterns: Your current investments in time and money can reveal your true values, offering insights into potential areas for purposeful work. This reflection can uncover viable paths to monetize your interests.

  4. Reflect on Personal Challenges You've Overcome: Consider the obstacles you've navigated in your own life. These personal victories not only resonate with others facing similar struggles but also present opportunities to address broader societal issues.

  5. Embrace Experimentation and Action: Clarity often emerges through action. Begin with small steps, remaining open to exploring various avenues as you seek to align your passions with profitable ventures.

In Conclusion…

Dedicating countless hours to work underscores the importance of infusing those hours with what truly ignites our passion.

This goal is not reserved for a select few but is within reach for anyone eager to actively discover what genuinely excites them and has the courage to create a life with it.

Passion is the key that transforms routine into joy and fulfillment.

My own journey from feeling unfulfilled to embracing a career aligned with my passions underscores this transformation.

Let’s approach the exploration of our passions not as an optional luxury but as a vital step toward a vibrant and purposeful life.

Next week we’ll talk about using passion to identify our purpose or “life’s task” - this is the driver of a fulfilled and successful life.

Be Blessed,

Widmarc 🌞

PS - If you have any suggestions for future topics to dive into, just reply to this email. I’ll be reading every one.

Tuesday’s Transformative Thoughts

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do”

- Steve Jobs